
Did you know we were created to praise God!
Psalm 150:6 says ‘Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord’.
When we come together as church family in worship we desire to exalt God, elevate God, experience God, encounter God, enjoy God and expect God to move by His Holy Spirit. Our role as the worship team is to lead people in to the presence of God by encouraging them to press in in worship to give praise to God and receive fresh revelation from Him. One of our favourite verses is John 4:23 - ‘yet a time is coming and has come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth, they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks’.
Worship is our outward expression of love, thanks and adoration we have for God. Above all we want to worship God with all our being and give Him the praise and glory for the wonders we have seen and will continue to see in our individual lives and church life.