

    unnamed (1)
         Friday 14th February 2025
    Welcome to this week's Friday Mail containing information about our services, events and ministries. 

    “I sought the LORD, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears."
    Psalm 34.4

    Dear Lord,
    Thank you that we can come to You with all of our problems, hurts and issues. As we seek Your face and surrender to Your will, please take our burdens and deliver us from our fears and insecurities. Amen

    This Sunday, 16th February, we look forward to welcoming Rob McKinney for our morning service.

    RoL Facebook post (2)


    If you've missed a Sunday message, you can click the image below to find all of our recent sermons.  

    WhatsApp Image 2024-09-10 at 1


    News and events coming up

     Please feel free to join us for any of our prayer meetings. It's a time to connect with God, focus on what truly matters and commit our lives and needs to the Lord. 
    RoL Facebook post (7) (1)
    Pop Up Shop Needs

    Thank you to all who support our ministry. We are running low on a number of items. If you're able to pop an extra item in your trolley, we'd be so grateful. 

    Pop Up Shop A4 (Landscape)
    Quiz Night

    We've got a social event planned for Friday 28th February at 7.30pm. Join up with friends, neighbours or family to make a team for our quiz night. It's totally free. Scan the QR code or click the image to sign your team up.

    Quiz A4


    If you would like to be baptised in our service on Sunday 16th March, please speak to Pastor Rob or any of the leadership.

    Baptism screen
    Ministry News
    This week's ministry news is a blog from J John at Philo Trust about handling mental health with wisdom and love.
    Click on the image to read it. 

    mental health

    We have a River of Life app- you can download it by clicking on the image below. 


    “The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.”
    Charles Stanley   
    River of Life Church                                                                                                            2 Carr Road

    IP11 2FS
  • Life News 

    Life News is the annual church magazine published each January to reflect events and stories of the past year. Most articles are writen by church members and it's always a blessing to look back over the archives to see how the church has progressed over the years.

    Please click an icon to view, download or print your copy.

    Life News Cover 2018 1 200px



    Life News Front Cover 2017 200




     Life News Cover 2016 200px January 2016

     Life News Cover 2015 200px January 2015