

River of Life Church was founded on 27 January 2002 and has always endeavoured to be generous in financial giving. As a faith/Word church, the Eldership believe in tithing both as individuals and as a church fellowship.

To this date financial gifts have been given to the following Christian ministries:

This List is currently being updated 



River of Life Church has received the blessing of many visiting Ministries and preachers over the years, all of whom have been blessed with honorariums. We list below some of these : 

  • J. John - Philo Trust
  • Bill Wilson – Metro World Child
  • MAF ( Mission Aviation Fellowship)
  • The Bible Society
  • Terry Law – World Compassion
  • Ian McCormack
  • Gill Gifford – Cutting Edge Ministries
  • Sarah Watkins – Healing 4 the Nations
  • Benny Prassad
  • C.M.A. (Christian Motorcyclists Association)
  • Sandy Miller
  • Nigel Benn
  • Carl Beech
  • Dr. Peter Gammons
  • Arthur White
  • Julie Sheldon – “Dancer off her Feet”
  • Rachel Waddilove
  • Tear Fund
  • Brian Gault – “Look No Hands”
  • Davey Falcus
  • Duggie Dug Dug


River of Life also helps in many different ways; for example allowing the Community Light Orchestra to hold concerts in the main auditorium of the Christian Life Centre in aid of the Cancer Unit and the Bible Society.
Additionally the church has supported Felixstowe Street Pastors and the Noisy Group in Ipswich.
Annually Samaritans Purse Shoe Box appeal is well supported by people in the fellowship who generously sow into the annual offering at River of Life. This offering enables as many shoe boxes as possible to be packed and sent from RoL. In addition the membership pack and also give shoe boxes. This whole enormous effort and expense is expertly overseen by volunteers.

Samaritans Purse is also supported at Christmas time with an offering for water filters. This has been a great blessing over many years.