Sunday Meetings 

We start Sundays at River of Life with a prayer meeting in the Prayer Room at 10.00 am. Then the main Sunday service at River of Life Church is the Morning Service at 10.30 am. The service is unstructured and informal - we don’t use Prayer Books or forms of liturgy at River of Life, and commences with music, praise and worship which is led by our Worship Team.  During the service we also pray for those who are sick or in need, and we also remember in prayer the world-wide Church and Christians in other countries who may be being persecuted for their faith.

During the service one of our pastors will preach or teach from the Bible and afterwards the church meets for coffee and chat in the Coffee Area for those wishing to stay a while after the service.

Every other Sunday evening at River of Life is either a Prayer Meeting or a special Healing Service where those in need of healing can come and receive prayer for healing.  We regularly see miracles of healing at River of Life and many people have been able to testify that God has healed them in answer to prayer at these meetings. In Mark 16:18 Jesus said that His disciples and followers would “place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

We have seen this happen many times at River of Life Church.