Pastoral Care

Church Family
As a church family, where many are in life groups, people are cared for as they share time together regularly. Whether it’s a small group or not, it’s always healthy to talk, and feel you can meet up with someone from the pastoral team. Go for a walk together, sit and relax over a coffee somewhere, and chat, sharing things that trouble them. We listen, encourage and offer prayer to people. Sometimes it may be talking, with a phone call.
Life’s issues can be vast and varied, and many need counselling on a professional level, in which we do our best to guide people in the right direction. We count it a privilege to watch out for our congregation, to support, to care, to show Gods love and to give our time when needed in our services; we also have a healing ministry team that pray for people and all are welcome to attend our services to receive prayer within this time. We may not be aware of everything, but if we all seek to prayerfully pay attention to each other, between us we want to care, pray and share God’s love, bringing healing to hurting people.
God so wants to demonstrate His love in every way possible. To find God and know His love and compassion personally is the greatest love we could ever find.
If you need us, please know that we are here to help - contact the Church Office during office hours where we have helpful staff to assist and/or to make arrangements for pastoral staff to make contact.