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We are adding resources frequently as the church grows, as technology develops and whenever we discover new facilities that are useful for our church family. We do encourage all our members to pass on new ideas to the Website Team so that they could be enjoyed by others. If you find some application or would like to access other resources from this site then please contact the Church Office.
In the meantime, please select News, Talks or YouVersion from the side menu to explore those resources that are available today and check out other great resources which are suggested below.
The Message Lives On
In 2019, Billy Graham was called home to spend eternity in heaven; we look forward to meeting him one day and hope that you do too. For more than 70 years, he preached the Gospel with clarity and authority. But it wasn’t without its challenges. See how this humble evangelist remained committed to proclaiming the message of Christ through it all via this recently posted YouTube video clip.
A Great Teaching Series
Some of you may already be familiar with Monte Judah of Lion & Lamb Ministries who we have "met" during our Israel Update Prayer & Praise evenings at RoL. His Messianic World Updates are always fascinating and we highly recommend that you keep abreast of Middle East events using this YouTube resource. Just recently, Monte has posted a series of teachings entitled "Insight into Isaiah" - We've been following along for the past few weeks and his teachings are absolutely riveting. We've learned that there's so much more to be revealed with the wealth of information which Monte provides from his Jewish perspective; We think you will enjoy it too so we have assembled here in this playlist all of the teachings - just click the image and the video clips will play automatically in sequence on your PC, tablet or smartphone.

Each teaching is about an hour long and it's a good idea to have Bibles and notepad close to hand - you'll probably want to watch a few times to catch all the information - hope you enjoy as much as we have!
Support Local Radio (Especially Sunday Morning)

Felixstowe Radio broadcasting on 107.5FM featuring Dave Hunt presenting uplifting Christian Worship Music each Sunday morning between 8am to 10am. Listen in on your radio, click the link below (Flash Player) or via the TuneIn Radio App (Get TuneIn)