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    9th March


    Love in Action

    KIDS start a new series this week entitled 'LOVE IN ACTION'.

    The theme for this week is 'Losing Count'
    Children will look at the idea of
    'Forgiveness is not just a one-time act;
    it's a continual choice that mirrors Jesus' forgiveness"
    as they read "The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant" in Matthew 18: 21-35

    During term time, children will stay with parents to enjoy worship in the main service, then join KIDS from 11.00 am - noon.


    Parents/Guardians Request More Information

    CLICK 1
  • Creche 

    0 - 3yrs, During Morning Service, 11am to noon

    After a period of closure during lockdowns, creche is open once again for Parents/Guardians to utilise during Sunday Morning Service. At the moment, the room is unattended but the service is streamed through to a TV screen so that parents don't miss any content. 
    There is a large selection of toys available for 0-3 years. Toddlers especially like the swing, the cooker, the house, the trampoline and the balls.  



  • Stargazers Youth Club 

    Unfortunately, due to CORONAVIRUS and in compliance with Government recommendations, STARGAZERS has been cancelled until further notice.

    Please check back on this page for latest news or contact office if you have any questions.

    School Years 1-6, Thursdays Term Time, 6:30 to 8:00pm


    Crafts, Games & Fun!


    Stargazers meet on Thursday evenings in the Large Coffee Area at the Christian Life Centre during term-time from 6.30 pm - 8.00 pm. Each week, the children get involved in a range of activities such as craft, cooking, painting, euro hockey and card making. At the end of the session a cold drink is provided for the children and there is a tuck shop where sweets and crisps may be purchased.
    Stargazers is led by a team of volunteers from both River of Life and other local Churches. River of Life is registered with the Churches Child Protection Advisory Service and we have a Safeguarding Policy in place. All the Stargazers Youth Club volunteers undergo Safeguarding checks, including the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Disclosures.

  • A huge thank you to Linda Tuffs who has retired from running Toddler Group
    at River of Life Church after 18 years.

    Linda would like to thank everyone who has helped with this ministry over the years.

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    Photo: Linda with Jayne, Pam & Derek presented with flowers at the final Toddler session/Christmas Party on 8 December 2022.



  • 4.12 Youth (11 - 17yrs)

    We are sorry to announce that 4:12 Group is currently closed until further notice.

    After many years of successful and fruitful operation, Youth attendance in the 4:12 group has declined to the stage where we've had to cancel more and more sessions as each week passes. Leaders remain enthusiatic to continue so, it's with heavy hearts that we have taken this decision.

    4 12 Logo
    New Ideas

    The new format for 4:12 Youth Group is slowly evolving into a new dimension - Jade chose some great worship songs to get us started last week and that will continue this coming week as others get the opportunity to make their choices. Ian led a fun time of teaching in the story of David & Goliath which reminded us of another comedian wearing similar head gear!

    This Sunday we also look forward to PIZZA in celebration of a special birthday which we missed the week before!

    We are also developing ideas for three new projects to execute during 2019 - why not come along and join the fun? 

    Christmas Project
    4:12 Group really excelled themselves this Christmas by setting off on a very ambitious project to replicate the 1984 Band Aid hit, "Do They Know it's Christmas?" Will church members help to get the project off the ground? Well, here's the result, judge for yourself!

    Origin of the Name
    The name of the group, 412, originates from scripture:


    Our Young Adults need a grounding in the five ministries with the result of Ephesians 4:12-32 being brought to fulfilment in them. Our future Prophets, Apostles, Teachers, Evangelists and Pastors are developing in these Young Adults! We expect that the ‘412’ will minister to their friends and others, and equip themselves for ministry in the Kingdom of Christ.

    The group is open to all 11 year old to 17 year olds who wish to come along and hear about Jesus.
    Its Mission is to reach the Youth of Felixstowe and share the gift that Christ has given for all. Freedom from Sin and relationship with GOD.
    In today’s society and the world in general, never has it been harder to spread the Gospel and reach this generation.

    Our current 412 is a small group but is ALREADY very diverse.  God has shown us that He will give us bigger works after we get the little works right, we must step out in faith!

    So what are we, as the Church Team, called by God to do?
    • Pray for growth and blessings upon the Children; for more leaders and assistants as we grow.
    • Get stuck in!! Youth are complex and they can tell if you aren’t committed and don’t value them.
    • Respect them and listen to them.
    • Seek out new ways to train and equip these Young Adults and to prepare for an influx of Youth from Felixstowe.
    • Have a vision and Dream BIG!

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  • Little Lobsters 

    3 - 5yrs, During Morning Service, 11am to noon

    Little Lobsters meet during the Sunday morning service in a classroom close to the sanctuary in a safe environment with trained, DBS (HM Government Disclosure and Barring Service) checked supervisors. The aim of the Children’s Ministry Team is to teach the children to love God and each other, to encourage a thirst for the Word of God, to build young people’s confidence in who they are in Christ… and of course to have fun! Little Lobsters use Scripture Union ‘Bubbles’ materials for the basis of their weekly bible based teaching and our leaders in this group teach the children about Jesus through  games, Bible stories, songs and craft. Because children grow and develop more in their first five years than at any other time, Bubbles uses methods based on play and story. It applies what we know about child and faith development and the ways young children learn. It enables children to connect with the Bible and to develop a personal relationship with God. The Bubbles series has recently been upgraded with brand new lesson content and resources to make the sessions really lively and enjoyable for our 3 - 5 yr olds.  

    Little Lobsters

    Parents/carers are welcome to leave their little ones in a safe environment while they enjoy the Morning Meeting but we do ask that you complete Information and Consent Forms so that we can look after your children carefully and observe any special needs.

    River of Life Church is registered with the Churches Child Protection Advisory Service and we have a Safeguarding Policy in place. There are currently around 30 committed Christians in the Church who work with children and young people. 

  • Cool Crabs

    5 - 10yrs, During Morning Service, 11am to noon

    Cool Crabs meet during the Sunday morning service in a classroom close to the sanctuary in a safe environment with trained, DBS (HM Government Disclosure and Barring Service) checked supervisors. The aim of the Children’s Ministry Team is to teach the children to love God and each other, to encourage a thirst for the Word of God, to build young people’s confidence in who they are in Christ… and of course to have fun! Cool Crabs use Scripture Union "Splash" resources for the basis of their weekly bible based teaching and our leaders in this group teach the children about Jesus through  games, Bible stories, songs and craft. The activities in the Splash! programme keep the sessions fun and age appropriate and, used with the variety of colourful activities in the "Splash! for Children" magazine, encourage the children to grow closer to God day by day.

    Cool Crabs
    Parents/carers are welcome to leave their children in a safe environment while they enjoy the Morning Meeting.

    River of Life Church is registered with the Churches Child Protection Advisory Service and we have a Safeguarding Policy in place. There are currently around 30 committed Christians in the Church who work with children and young people.