Younger Church W700Px
"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind;' and, 'Love your neighbour as yourself'" (Luke 10:27)
Younger Church Ministry
Attention Younger Church Parents with copy to Leaders and Helpers

Dear Younger Church Parent,
We are writing to keep you updated about upcoming Sunday Club events especially now that we are heading into the Advent season.

What a blessing it was to see our children building a special Memorial Wall on Remembrance Sunday. In class activities we learned about the significance of the poppy and talked together about the comparison between the sactifice of soldiers and Jesus Christ.

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The lesson followed on very well from the "Heaven Series" in which we learned what to expect in Heaven and how to get there, according to information provided in scripture. Each child should have received a small book entitled "How do I get to Heaven" which answers many of the questions which children ask. It's a great resource and we encourage you to spend some time with your child as the opportunity arises. We also have additional copies if needed.
Heaven 2

This past week we shifted subject to commence our "Christmas Programme" beginning with "The Promise of Christmas" as foretold by the Prophets some 700 years before Jesus was born!
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It was a great start to the season and we look forward to many more fun-filled Sunday mornings before Christmas Day finally arrives. You are likely already aware that RoL is planning a Christmas Service on the morning of Sunday, 19th December; we hope that Sunday Club children will participate in the service by singing at least one song from the stage. Practice started this past week and, by the time we finished the session, many were already singing along to the tune. We only have three more Sundays to prepare so it would be great if children could listen and practice the songs at home. This being the case, we are providing here a link which will take you to a YouTube music video clip which also shows the words on screen. This song is entitled,

It would be lovely if relatives could come along to encourage children and we also welcome younger children, not yet old enough to join Sunday Club, onto the stage with Mum and/or Dad to provide some additional backing track! Tea and coffe will be served after the service and we have some really beautiful books for children to collect as a thank you gift for all their efforts.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions; we will write again before the 19th but, in the meantime, thanks for allowing your children to join us each week, it really is a blessing which we very much appreciate.

Best wishes and blessings,
Brian & Del
On behalf of RoL Children's Ministry Team

  • The RoL Sunday Club Webpage which is usually updated Monday morning following Sunday Club.
  • The RoL Family "WhatsApp" Group - if you are not already a member, join here
  • The RoL Weekly Bulletin. A news letter issued each Friday which always includes a Sunday Club Panel - to receive your copy, sign up here:
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 River of Life Church
 2 Carr Road
 Suffolk IP11 2FS